In August we weaned our calves. We gathered the cows and calves from the pastures and took them to a corral where we separated the cows from the calves. Then the calves were loaded onto a truck and hauled to the feedlot in Baker.
The weather was hot so we started early.
We had a unique visitor in this herd.
He wouldn't leave the cows. It will be interesting to see if he stays with them when we go to the range, and more interesting if he's still with them in the fall.
It's kind of sad to see mommas say good bye to their babies. But they are already bred to have their next calf, so they won't be sad long.
The sky was so beautiful this day.
The horses got a chance to do some fancy cow work.
Then onto the trucks the calves went.
Once at the feedlot the calves were unloaded, weighed, counted and put into pens.
We had some good dog help too.
Calves were counted, weighed and put into pens.
The weaning went on for several weeks until all the calves were in the feedlot, with the exception of some we still have to gather off of the mountain.